The React Provider Pattern is also the main topic my talk “Modern React Design Patterns”, that I have presented a number of times including at ReactNYC S03E10 and DeveloperWeek Orlando in February 2020. If you don’t need the background information on Design Patterns or React architecture principles and you’re all caught up with React Context and the useContext hook, then you can just skip to the meat of the matter in The React Provider Pattern. Many examples will refer to this fairly significant codebase – which happens to have 20+ instances of this pattern spread throughout the application. This pattern is partially informed by and (among other places) heavily used in the open-source repository google/web-stories-wp of which I’m a main contributor and co-architect.

This article documents the origins of this pattern, explores its uses and gives additional detail to how best to use it. The React Provider Pattern is one of the main emerging React design patterns in many modern React applications and variations of it can be seen touted by React experts across the board.